Saturday, January 17, 2015

LBMM Challenge Day 16

Friday January 16, 2015

Wooo hoo! I made it another week, minimal spending and I am doing just great.

Payday and I am not touching it.

WF Acct: $2,458.61

I will update the account total every 2 weeks so stay tuned and watch my money grow with me. I do have a reoccurring debit of $450 taken out every month on the 26th. That amount goes straight to my Roth IRA that I opened this year. Fidelity is who I chose to fund my Roth IRA with.

Fidelity Roth IRA: $908

Today, I decided to invest the Roth IRA in a stock. I chose Sprint (S). I have an order placed to buy 200 shares at closing. I will keep you updated on that. I have been following the company since December, tracking their figures daily and I found out that Sprint may be taking over some of Radio Shack's leases.
Yesterday and today it was $4.08. I made the leap... buy lower which is what I am doing. I have no personal ties with Sprint, it is just a stock I felt like purchasing today. I like to take risks so I am confident that I made a good choice. I will choose a stock each month to invest my $450 in. This month, I skipped the $450 deduction because in January it took out $908 (double) instead of the $450 so I technically have already funded for January and February.

Back to the rest of my day....

All went well, had a nail appointment after work (already paid for 6 months in advance). Then I had a home made dinner, watched Warriors lose.. read and off to bed.

$0 spent today.

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