Friday, January 2, 2015

LBMM Challenge Day 2

Friday January 2, 2015

T.G.I.F! I did not have to work today and it was AWESOME! I was preparing my January calendar for all the stocks that I will track this month and goals I need to accomplish (will share soon).

I did spend some money today, not too much damage.. kept it under $40.

My first stop was actually Kohl's department store to bring my receipt in from my holiday shopping to see if I can price match any items (it was exactly 2 weeks which is the time frame given to take advantage of price differences). I lucked out and was able to save $4.20 but the way she did was different, she refunded my actual purchase price of $12.60 to my CC and then re-rung up the new price $8.40 plus the Contigo water bottle that I had to have since my other one broke (will send the broken one in soon under the company's lifetime limited warranty). So my new adjusted total for 2 items were $26.52 (inlcluding tax).

We continued on to TJ Maxx since my mother and sister said they saw the Contigo water bottle there for way less! (Uh huh, I think they just wanted a reason to go to TJ Maxx). So we go and no luck with the water bottle but I saw a mini Blender Ball that I had been wanting to try (New Year New Me Trying New Things). My second purchase came to $8.69.

Then went to the library to pick up my book on hold (Freebie). 

Note: My mom drove us today and I actually cannot drive for 30-days anyway (will explain why eventually).

Me and mom walked the dogs to take back the redbox dvd rental to the kiosk in Safeway (less than a mile away one-way, It was a one day rental and no reason to incur a late fee of $4.50!

I actually had a plan to go to dinner with my best friend tonight but she fell asleep and did not text me until later-later when I already had dinner at home assuming something had come up. That saved me about $25 but will rain check that dinner later this month I am sure!

So my total spending today was $35.21.

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